MAOSS database is free to use now... hurray!!!
Database is updating right now, please be patient.
Database has been updated with data of 01/12/2024
Other resources:
- About PBAC
- Procedure Guidance
- PBS Process Improvements
- Cost Recovery Fees and Charges
- Pricing Matters
- PBS Forms
- Elements of the Listing Process
- PBAC Calendar
- PBAC Guidelines
- Utilisation and Cost Model Workbook
- PBAC Resource Use Book
- Restriction Template
- PBAC Outcomes
- PBAC Agenda
- PBAC Membership
- ESC Membership
- DUSC Membership
- About MSAC
- MSAC Assessments
- MSAC Guidelines
- MSAC ADAR Template:
- MSAC DCAR Template:
- MSAC Application Form:
- MSAC Application Form Instructions:
- Clinical Utility Card
- MSAC Membership
- ESC Membership
- PASC Membership
Other Technical Guidance
NICE Decision Support Unit (DSU)
- Introduction to evidence synthesis for decision making
- A general linear modelling framework for pair-wise and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
- Heterogeneity: subgroups, meta-regression, bias and bias-adjustment
- Inconsistency in networks of evidence based on randomised controlled trials
- Evidence synthesis in the baseline natural history model
- Embedding evidence synthesis in probabilistic cost effectiveness analysis: software choices
- Evidence synthesis of treatment efficacy in decision making: a reviewer’s checklist
- An introduction to the measurement and valuation of health for NICE submissions
- The identification, review and synthesis of health state utility values from the literature
- The use of mapping methods to estimate health state utility values
- Alternatives to EQ-5D for generating health state utility values
- The use of health state utility values in decision models
- Identifying and reviewing evidence to inform the conceptualisation and population of cost-effectiveness models
- Survival analysis for economic evaluations alongside clinical trials – extrapolation with patient-level data
- Cost-effectiveness modelling using patient-level simulation
- Adjusting survival time estimates in the presence of treatment switching
- The use of observational data to inform estimates of treatment effectiveness in technology appraisal: Methods for comparative individual patient data
- Methods for population-adjusted indirect comparisons in submissions to NICE
- Partitioned Survival Analysis as a decision modelling tool
- Multivariate meta-analysis of summary data for combining treatment effects on correlated outcomes and evaluating surrogate endpoints
Other HTA agencies
- NICE Guidelines
- NICE Technology Appraisal (HTA)
- ACE – Agency for Care Effectiveness, SINGAPORE
- AETSA – Andalusian Agency for Health Technology Assessment, SPAIN
- Agenas – The Agency for Regional Healthcare, ITALY
- AHRQ – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, USA
- AIHTA – Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment, AUSTRIA
- AOTMiT – Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System, POLAND
- AQuAS – Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya, SPAIN
- AVALIA-T – Galician Agency for Health Technology Assessment, SPAIN
- CADTH – Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, CANADA
- CDE – Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan, REPUBLIC OF CHINA
- CEDIT – Comité d’Evaluation et de Diffusion des Innovations Technologiques, FRANCE
- CONITEC – National Committee for Technology Incorporation, BRAZIL
- DEFACTUM – Social & Health Services and Labour Market, DENMARK
- FinCCHTA – Finnish Coordinating Center for Health Technology Assessment, FINLAND
- G-BA – The Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss), GERMANY
- GOeG – Gesunheit Österreich GmbH, AUSTRIA
- HAD-Uruguay – Health Assessment Division, Ministry of Public Health, URUGUAY
- HAS – Haute Autorité de Santé, FRANCE
- HTW – Health Technology Wales, UNITED KINGDOM
- IECS – Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy, ARGENTINA
- IETS – Instituto de Evaluación Tecnológica en Salud, COLOMBIA
- IETSI – Institute of Health Technology Assessment and Research, PERU
- IHE – Institute of Health Economics, CANADA
- INESSS – Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services, CANADA
- IQWiG – Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, GERMANY
- KCE – Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, BELGIUM
- MaHTAS – Health Technology Assessment Section, Ministry of Health Malaysia, MALAYSIA
- NECA – National Evidence-based healthcare Collaborating Agency, KOREA
- NIHR – National Institute for Health Research, UNITED KINGDOM
- NIPH – Norwegian Institute of Public Health, NORWAY
- OSTEBA – Basque Office for Health Technology Assessment, SPAIN
- RCHD – Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republican Centre for Health Development, KAZAKHSTAN
- SBU – Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services, SWEDEN
- SFOPH – Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, SWITZERLAND
- ZIN – Zorginstituut Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS
- ZonMw – The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, THE NETHERLANDS