MAOSS database is free to use now... hurray!!!
Database is updating right now, please be patient.
Database has been updated with data of 01/12/2024

PSD Tables Data (2001-)

PSDs Data Reset
Date Generic Name Brand Name Drug Use And Type Outcome Purpose Of Application PSD
Date Generic Name Brand Name Drug Use And Type Outcome Purpose Of Application PSD
Base Case ICER "
# ICER submitted by the company.
## ICER accepted by PBAC. Only submissions after 2015 with positive recommendations shown.
PBAC Negotiation:
Price Cut:
Managed Entry:
PBAC Comment
Sponsor Comment
*ICERs only reported for positive recommended submissions since 2015. Absence of data in database does not necessarily indicate absence of data by PBAC. Base case ICER indicates the ICER submitted by the sponsor. ESC ICER indicates ICER after further assumptions and tests have been applied by ESC and the Evaluation Group. The interpretation of this ICER is substantially subjective and should be used with caution. The PBAC ICER is the ICER range which the PBAC agreed it would recommend the drug at, as published within the PSD. MES is Managed Entry/Managed Access Scheme. RSA is Risk Share Arrangement as proposed in the PSD. SPA is special pricing arrangement as proposed in the PSD. The indication of a MES, RSA or SPA does not necessitate that a RSA, SPA, or MES exists, just that is was stated in the PSD. Negotiations post PBAC recommendation may change these arrangements.*